It’s Officially 2019!! What are your goals?

Good Evening my Lovely’s.

It is officially the first day of 2019 and while I usually do not make a resolution, I feel that creating a goal for the year, will just be a good way to stay on it. So what is my goal you ask? Quite simply, its to not allow real life to interfere with my blogging time. Blogging is practically therapeutic for me and I have been bad last year and let things interfere. Well, no more.

I absolutely adore opening up the world of these amazing books to all of you and look forward to giving you all a large TBR (to be read) pile by the time 2020 comes. 🙂 Sadly, my TBR pile is growing every day. I need more bookshelves. So I am one of those people who cannot go without reading every day. I have tried it and I practically find anything to read from a newspaper to the story on the back of a cereal box. I mistakenly left my kindle, nook, and all hardbacks at home one weekend because I forgot to grab the bag they were in. By the end of day one of that weekend, my hubby got me an audiobook for my phone.

Okay, so, I won’t talk your head off. The next post that I will make by Monday will be about a series that I absolutely love and discovered when I visited an event. I went to a comic-con as I meet some new and amazing authors when I go there and I met one of these authors EB. Hood. While perusing, I found a series called Melabeth and even had my picture taken with him as well as his personal signature on all three books.

So keep a lookout for my next post.

Hope your New Years was happy and that you and yours stay(ed) safe.

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